Friday, August 23, 2013

Some Sights from Foggy London-town

25 kilometers around London.  25.  In one day.  That's over 15 miles.  In one day.

There are just some of the sights we saw.  Many more to follow (as is my allegedly promised foot massage...still waiting on that one, too).

Look, kids, Big Ben...


St. Paul's Cathedral...

The iconic Tower Bridge...

London Eye...

The other London Eye...

And tourists taking pictures of a crosswalk across Abbey Road.  Still not sure why...

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I saw the signs

Apparently, since driving in Oxford is so nuts, everyone rides a bike.  Or a "cycle" as they're called.  Signs like this one were posted on literally every wall and fence: 

More proof that there are just too many bikes over there, this was posted next to a bike rack:

Ay, clean up after your pup!

And this sign appeared on nearly every patch of grass we came across; they take lawns seriously in Oxford:

Also, Brits don't tell you to leave, they ask you to "kindly note" the closing time:

And finally, see yourself out, the British way:

Sunday, August 18, 2013

British Delights

I recently spent a couple weeks in England, learning at Oxford and touring around London.  Naturally, this meant lots of pubs, drinking, and eating.  And the opportunity to have some fun with my new camera.  

Here's the obligatory fish and chips meal (well, one of them):

And the aftermath of said meal: 

Every glass I drank from had a CE mark on it, and a line indicating where a true pint was: 

Also, there are more bees and wasps in Oxford than I care to deal with.  This one got greedy and paid the price:

 Wine was always a good substitute for beer:

 Especially when delicious chocolate cake was involved:

Or a deliciously warm cookie:

Hiking in Hawaii

We start with some pictures taken with the older of our cameras.  

In September, my wife and I flew out to Hawaii to see two of our good friends get married.  Naturally, we decided to take advantage of some of the local scenery and took a hike up to Manoa Falls.  Thanks to a 6 hour time difference, we had two hikes under our belt and our rental car returned before 11AM.  

We felt as if we were transported back in time to Jurassic Park:

After a wet and muddy walk, we were rewarded with the 60 foot waterfall, which we were able to catch a quick peek at through the trees...

...and then got a close-up look!  Not something we have in abundance here on the east coast.