Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Road Trip, Day 12, Oklahoma City, OK

OK, we made it through Texas.  OK?  Texas.  OK.  Then hit up Oklahoma.  

Texas, though, was full of ghosts.  Ghost towns that is.  Take, for example, Glenrio.  

Then, there are these things.  Someone decided to plant some cars in the desert and let people spray paint them: 

Same guy should have planted this water tower, maybe it would still be upright: 

However, that's just outside Oklahoma City.  Before we got to Oklahoma City, we had to pass the midpoint of Rt. 66!  And got some pie at the MidPoint Cafe (noticing a theme with these posts?  Food.)  

After finally driving for hours yet again, we reached Oklahoma City, and visited the memorial.  

OK, so that was our journey into Oklahoma City.  OK?  OK.  Next up (remember, food theme): Memphis BBQ!  

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